If it's not too late to plan, PLEASE save Saturday, November 3, 2012 for the Wills Reunion in Saluda, South Carolina. More details to follow but here's what I know now:
Who: Various Wills family descendants (mostly descendants of James Drayton and Lizzie Belle Attaway Wills and other Saluda County and (formerly) Edgefield District lines, close relations and friends)
Where: Zoar United Methodist Church, Saluda, South Carolina
When: Saturday, November 3rd (exact time to follow)
There will be a program and there will be some kind of nourishment provided. Zoar UMC is where many of our Wills ancestors are laid to rest. The history of Saluda and the surrounding area is full of connections to our past, so plan to stay a few days and do some research or just sight see.
Like I said, more details to follow.
Please contact me at thefamilywills@gmail.com to be added to the email newsletter list. I know I won't capture all the emails of everyone who should know about and come to this reunion, so please share with them if you can. Word of mouth always helps.
Best always!
Mark Wills
Came across this blog and noted no post since 2012, but hoping it was still being monitored. My surname is Wells and I am believe my line orginiated in Isle of Wight, VA. There are many similarities in your Wills surname ancestors and my Wells line. I recently had Y-DNA testing performed and have been confirmed E-M35, Subclade E-V13, Subclade E-V16274, Final Subclade of E-BY2481.
I am curious to know if any of your Wills family members have been tested for Y-DNA and if so if anyone matches any of the above.
Thank you!
Rob Wells
Isle of Wight, VA, USA.
Thanks for your comment. I haven't monitored this in a long time. Happy to pass the information along to some members of my family who have had their Y-DNA tested.
Mark Wills
Houston, Texas
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